YU Edmonton has partnered with Good Coffee to provide specialty good-trade coffee from farmers we know by name to the hands of coffee lovers who want to make a difference.
Not only are 25% of Good Coffee's proceeds invested back into the communities where the coffee is grown, $5 from every bag purchased goes towards the transformational work of Youth Unlimited, right here in Edmonton.

Coffee Can Change the World.
"While Good Coffee is a good start to the day (or good at any part of the day!) we never go to bed satisfied unless we have been a part of building community. For us it means enjoying our family and friends on a daily basis. More importantly, it means working to empower coffee farmers so they can do the same. We exist to engage the complex issues of poverty facing farmers by engaging you. As a good coffee drinker you are investing directly into coffee farming communities. 25% of our profits are invested through our partners to train farmers, provide tools and resources, construct new washing stations, and empower the communities where the beans are grown to improve the quality of life for the farmers and their families. These assets allow farmers to earn a dignified wage and grow their operations; which in turn allows farming communities to invest in infrastructure, wells, schools, hospitals, orphan care, and more. When we say there is good in every cup we mean there is good coffee, good communities, and good impact. So go ahead, grind, brew, sip, enjoy and share – there’s good in every cup."