In recent years, I have chosen to challenge myself with the goals that I want to achieve in life. I know that by putting my trust in the lord to guide and inspire me, I will achieve what I am working so hard for. I believe God has called me to guide and inspire others, by delivering my services and providing my time to the best of my abilities.
Personal life experiences that I have had to endure have made it difficult for me to genuinely trust others. With my sister and I not having a father figure and a mom who worked long shifts so my sister and I could have an education, food, and a roof over our heads, we often sought out support systems like Youth Unlimited. Overcoming the trauma has been a challenge, but by accepting genuine friendships, I am now able to thrive in life, and I want to be able to share that joy with others. My goal with joining Youth Unlimited is to gain the trust of all our youth in hopes of being alight for them in the darkness, and giving them hope and friendship because I believe we should all be deserving of care, love, and friendship in this world.
Youth Unlimited is a fantastic organization that has created remarkable and welcoming environments for youth around Edmonton and provide mentorship, but also genuine friendship. The prominent role and purpose of Youth Unlimited is for the teens to have a safe place where they can go and speak to peers and adults who will offer acceptance and guidance. Through this unique and wonderful process, the youth will get the opportunity to engage in fun activities and speak to the Youth Workers about anything that is going on in their minds. This gives them the opportunity to ask for help with anything they are struggling with, whether it is school, home life, and so much more. Without fear of judgment, this will give the youth hope and potential for a better tomorrow.
My role at Youth Unlimited is more than simply showing up at the Core Drop-In for the youth. I get to be a part of an amazing team that plans programs and devotions for them to engage in and give the youth opportunities to participate in conversations that will also teach them positive and healthy ways to interact and communicate within our communities.
Youth Unlimited is a non-profit organization and I hope you know how much your support would mean to me. A lot of the services that we provide come from the generous support and funding of individual people within our communities. Whether it is through prayer, volunteering your time or donating to provide support for our youth.
Thank you greatly for taking the time to read my letter, and if this is something that piques your interest or curiosity, I would love for you to reach out to me so we can talk in more detail about what it all looks like. I hope to hear from you very soon.
With love,
Graciela Gonzales
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